
Dublin Traceroute is a NAT-aware multipath tracerouting tool

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You can invoke Dublin-traceroute in multiple ways. So far there are:

  • a command-line tool, dublin-traceroute,
  • a C++ library, libdublintraceroute.so,
  • a Python module, dublintraceroute, which now lives in a separate repository, see python-dublin-traceroute.

Using the command-line tool

NOTE: the CLI tool is still in development and lacks many features.

The basic usage of dublin-traceroute is the following:

$ dublin-traceroute <target>

For example, you can traceroute Google’s public DNS server as follows:

$ dublin-traceroute

The current default is to probe 20 different paths with a maximum TTL set to 30.

You will see the output on the terminal, but dublin-traceroute will also create a file named trace.json in the current directory. You can run the script located at scripts/to_graphviz.py to generate an image showing graphically the traceroute. The image file is named trace.json.png. For example:

$ dublin-traceroute
... <output of the traceroute>
$ python scripts/to_graphviz.py trace.json
$ eog trace.json.png # or open it with your favourite viewer

The image will look something like this:

traceroute to

You can view the content of trace.json of course, and use it as needed.

Using Python

The Python bindings have been split into a separate package. See python-dublin-traceroute .

Using the C++ library


Meanwhile, you can look at the implementation of the command-line tool